?????供应外置式重型防化服 ●高性能的气密性防化服,防护性能达到欧标一级的较高防护标准; ●机械强度高,配有高密闭性防水拉链以及拉链保护层; ●服装内外层均带有特殊阻燃涂层,缝合采用高频焊接技术,服装更加耐用,舒适,安全; ●***有的单向磁力阀,气体逆向零泄漏的同时,持续排除多余的热能,穿着舒适; ●呼吸面罩(斯博瑞安PANO面罩,符合EN-136 Class 3标准)固定在头上,丁基橡胶手套可以通过特殊的紧固卡环装卸。 ? Air-tight chemical protective clothing in accordance with Type one in European standard ? Resistant and durable by high frequency welding ? Comfortable respiratory mask (Sperian panoramasque class 3 and compliant with EN-136 standard) ? Zip fastener waterproof protected by a flap from crotch to head ? Two single magnetic patented exhaust valves: one located on the breast and one on the top of the head? ? 更多巴固防化/goods-762.html 名称:上海铤和商贸有限公司 电话:021-57882100 网址